Behavior is Communication by Michael Arrington MS, MFT Doctoral Candidate

Behavior is Communication

Behavior is Communication: Understanding Our Students

In education, it's crucial to remember that behavior is a form of communication, especially in children. When a student acts out, withdraws, or displays unexpected behavior, they're often expressing something they can't articulate with words.

Instead of viewing these behaviors as challenges to be managed, we should see them as opportunities to understand our students on a deeper level. By interpreting what a student’s behavior is communicating—whether it's frustration, confusion, or unmet needs—we can provide the support they need to thrive.

As educators, it's our responsibility to look beyond the surface and ask, "What is this behavior telling me?" When we shift our perspective from correction to understanding, we create a more compassionate and effective learning environment.

Let’s work together to better understand and support our students. Their behavior is their voice—let's listen closely.

#Education #Behavior #StudentSupport #SEL #TeachingStrategies


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