

By Michael Arrington MS, MFT

Doctoral Candidate

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of education, it's become increasingly clear that the traditional model of K-12 education in the US is no longer sufficient for preparing our students for the challenges of the future.

One of the key issues with the current system is its antiquated approach to teaching and learning. Rather than encouraging creativity and critical thinking, the emphasis has been on rote memorization and test-taking. This approach does little to develop the skills and competencies that are essential for success in today's rapidly evolving job market.

That's why it's more important than ever to think outside the box when it comes to K-12 education. We need to embrace new ideas and innovative approaches that foster creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration. This means empowering teachers to experiment with new teaching strategies, embracing technology as a tool for learning, and prioritizing interdisciplinary education that integrates multiple subject areas.

It's time for a fundamental shift in the way we think about education in this country. We must move away from the outdated model that values conformity and standardization, and instead embrace a more flexible, dynamic, and student-centered approach. By doing so, we can ensure that our students are prepared not only for the challenges of today, but also for the opportunities of tomorrow.

Let's work together to create a K-12 education system that fosters innovation, creativity, and critical thinking. The future of our students and our nation depends on it. #EducationReform #OutsideTheBoxThinking #futureready #educationalleadership #innovation #teachers #success


D.E.I. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Consulting

Michaels contributions have led to student successes. As of 2021 he has taken 112 high school students who lack of motivation, focus and credits to graduate, to incentivized and goal orientated students able to reach their academic potential. These 112 students are all set to graduate in the class of 2022. Eighty-one of the 112 students will be enrolled in community college and 4 directly to universities this fall. He also remains active in professional associations, frequently presenting research at the American Educational Research Association and the Critical Race Studies in Education Association. Michael also helped create a mental health unit for youth who were incarcerated in juvenile hall. This unit was designed to provide treatment to youth incarcerated that suffer from mental health issues, trauma, or suicidal ideations.